Available courses

Personal data and personal privacy are among the most important issues in the digital age we live in. Recently, very important legal regulations have been made regarding personal data both locally and internationally.

LIBR500 is a 4-week online course for Koç University graduate students. The course, which consists of 4 modules, has been created to support the development of graduate students and to assist them during their research processes. Students participating in the course will be familiar with;

Overall Library Services, Tips for literature review, Reference and citation management, Open science methods that you can benefit in your academic practice and research, Scholarly publishing and academic ethics, Researcher profiles, and research impact measurement.

The course modules will be made available weekly.

You can send your LIBR500-related requests via Library Trackit System.

    KWORKS'24, KWORKS Hızlandırma, KWORKS Ön Hızlandırma olmak üzere 2 farklı programa seçilen girişimlerle birlikte 12 ay boyunca sürecek bir programdır.

    KWORKS'24 Hızlandırma Programları'nda yer alan girişimler, program kapsamında yer alan eğitimleri bu sayfa üzerinden takip edebilecektir.